Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thing 16

I tried to use the shared spreadsheet on Google Docs, but I could not find it. I did use my Blogger account information, but again I had no luck finding the spreadsheet.

I think Google Docs could be useful both personally and professionally. Personally, it would come in handy in any situation where I was planning an event with a group of people. Instead of meeting face to face, we could use Google Docs as a place to collaborate. Professionally, Google Docs seems to have endless possibilities. For example, students could collaborate on a writing piece or data collection. Teachers would be able to view who contributed and who did not. I feel that giving students access to Google Docs would increase motivation and learning.

A potential problem with using Google Docs is that everyone would have to have an e-mail account. Some parents might not feel comfortable allowing their child to have one. Hopefully, if the parents had the e-mail address and password for their child to monitor the account, we would be able to try something like this in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. It would be worth asking parents. There are so many ways that this site could be used. Students would be more motivated and as you pointed out, it could be easily monitored for participation.
